Coming Attractions: Interview with Monica Driscoll

The effects of diet and exercise on aging are issues that seem to be fairly common sense to most people at this point: eat healthy, exercise, and you will live longer right? The firm scientific answer as of now: maybe . . . Scientists are currently looking into drugs that can delay aging to the…

Gene Drives: Are we playing God?

Malaria, dengue, zika virus. Mass producing genetic modifications has the potential to revolutionize the way scientists deal with the spread of these diseases as well as conservation. Recent advances in biotechnology have allowed scientists to develop artificial gene drives, genes which can force themselves through an entire population. However, these techniques are still in development…

Rules of the Magic(of Biology)

Entropy is always increasing. If you hold to the Second Law of Thermodynamics that is. And essentially all scientists do. What is entropy? Entropy is a term used to describe the disorder of the universe. In physics or chemistry, it is measured as changes in heat, which typically increases when there is some sort of…