Finding Einstein’s Brain Cont’d

So as you read last week, there was a lot of drama in recovering and studying Einstein’s brain. So the question becomes: Did we ever get an accurate study? Well, in 2013 a study was published in the journal Brain that showed that Einstein’s corpus callosum was thicker than a normal person’s. The corpus callosum is the part of the…

Finding Einstein’s Brain

So this blog has mostly focused on issues with genes and aging and how the more abstract pieces of biology can still be applicable to others. However, I work at the Rutgers University Press as an Editorial Intern for their Health and Clinical Medicine Department and a book we are currently working on has recently peaked…

Some Light Reading- The Gene: An Intimate History

In a world that grows more and more interconnected by the minute, at a time when humans have acquired a nearly godlike ability to prolong life and manipulate the very code of living beings, an understanding of the history and implications of this new knowledge and these new abilities is essential to maneuvering successfully through…